Credits ======= This package is primarily written by `Justin Bois `_ for use in the `BE/Bi 103 ab courses `_ at `Caltech `_. Citing bebi103 ================== Because this package evolves according to the needs of the BE/Bi 103 ab courses, it has at best a stable-ish API. It is therefore very important to include a version number when citing the package. It is best to cite the package using its DOI. Here is a citation for version 0.1.0. .. code-block:: bibtex @misc{#10.22002/D1.1615, doi = {10.22002/D1.1615}, url = {}, author = {Bois, Justin S.}, keywords = {Github}, title = {justinbois/bebi103: Version 0.1.0}, publisher = {CaltechDATA}, year = {2020} }