.. _installation: Installation ============ You can install bebi103 using pip. :: $ pip install --upgrade bebi103 Dependencies ------------ bebi103 has the following dependencies. - Python 3.9 or newer - NumPy_ - SciPy_ - Pandas_ - Numba_ - tqdm_ - CmdStanPy_ 1.0.0 or higher - xarray_ - ArviZ_ 0.16.0 or higher - Bokeh_ 3.0.0 or higher - Matplotlib_ - colorcet_ - HoloViews_ Additionally, bebi103 can make use of PyStan_, though it is not required. .. _NumPy: http://www.numpy.org/ .. _SciPy: http://www.scipy.org/ .. _Pandas: http://pandas.pydata.org/ .. _Numba: http://numba.pydata.org/ .. _tqdm: https://tqdm.github.io/ .. _CmdStanPy: https://cmdstanpy.readthedocs.io/ .. _xarray: http://xarray.pydata.org/ .. _ArviZ: https://arviz-devs.github.io/arviz/ .. _Bokeh: https://docs.bokeh.org/ .. _Matplotlib: https://matplotlib.org/ .. _colorcet: https://colorcet.holoviz.org/ .. _HoloViews: http://holoviews.org/ .. _PyStan: https://pystan.readthedocs.io/ .. _Datashader: https://datashader.org/