
bebi103.viz.qqplot(samples, data, percentile=95, patch_kwargs=None, line_kwargs=None, diag_kwargs=None, p=None, **kwargs)

Generate a Q-Q plot.

  • samples (Numpy array or xarray, shape (n_samples, n) or xarray DataArray) – A Numpy array containing predictive samples.

  • data (Numpy array, shape (n,) or xarray DataArray) – One-dimensional data set to use in Q-Q plot.

  • percentile (int or float, default 95) – Which percentile to use in displaying the Q-Q plot.

  • patch_kwargs (dict, default None) – Any kwargs passed into p.patch(), which generates the filled region of the Q-Q plot..

  • line_kwargs (dict, default None) – Any kwargs passed into p.line() in generating the line around the fill.

  • diag_kwargs (dict, default None) – Any kwargs to be passed into p.line() in generating diagonal reference line of Q-Q plot.

  • p (bokeh.plotting.Figure instance, or None (default)) – If None, create a new figure. Otherwise, populate the existing figure p.

  • kwargs – All other kwargs are passed to bokeh.plotting.figure() in creating the figure.


output – Plot populated with Q-Q plot.

Return type

bokeh.plotting.Figure instance