API Reference
HoloViews defaults
Set convenient HoloViews defaults |
Hook for disabling x-grid lines. |
Hook for disabling x-grid lines. |
Make a horizontal plot of centers/conf ints with error bars. |
Create a filled region between two curves. |
Generate a Q-Q plot. |
Make a contour plot, possibly overlaid on an image. |
Plot a predictive ECDF from samples. |
Plot a predictive regression plot from samples. |
Make a rank ECDF plot from simulation-based calibration. |
Make a parallel coordinate plot of MCMC samples. |
Make a trace plot of MCMC samples. |
Make a corner plot of sampling results. |
Get lines for a contour plot from (x, y) samples. |
Convert discrete values of CDF to staircase for plotting. |
Convert a quantitative value to a color. |
Bootstrap methods
Seed random number generators for Numpy and Numba'd functions. |
Generate bootstrap replicates out of data using func. |
Perform pairs bootstrap for single statistic. |
Draw bootstrap replicates of maximum likelihood estimator. |
Generate permutation replicates of func from data_1 and data_2 |
Difference in means of two arrays. |
Studentized difference in means of two arrays. |
Compute the Pearson correlation coefficient between two samples. |
Stan utilities
Remove all .hpp, .o, .d, and executable files resulting from compilation of Stan models using CmdStanPy. |
Determine CmdStan version |
Convert a tidy data frame to a data dictionary for a hierarchical Stan model. |
Convert ArviZ InferenceData to a Pandas or Polars data frame. |
Check transitions that ended with a divergence. |
Check transitions that ended prematurely due to maximum tree depth limit. |
Checks the energy-Bayes fraction of missing information (E-BFMI) |
Checks the effective sample size (ESS). |
Checks the potential issues with scale reduction factors. |
Checks all MCMC diagnostics |
Parses warning code from check_all_diagnostics() into individual failures and prints results. |
Perform simulation-based calibration on a Stan Model. |
Context manager for disabling logging when doing MCMC sampling. |
Gaussian process utilities
Add the entries of X to Xstar, sort the result, and find indices in the results where the entries in X appear. |
Linear kernel. |
Polynomial kernel: (sigma_0^2 + sigma_p^2 x1 . |
Squared exponential kernel. |
Derivative of first variable of the exponentiated quadratic (a.k.a. |
Derivative of the exponentiated quadratic (a.k.a. |
Mixed second derivative of exponentiated quadratic (a.k.a. |
Matern kernel. |
Derivative of the Matern kernel with respect to the first variable. |
Derivative of the Matern kernel with respect to the second parameter. |
Mixed second derivative of Matern kernel. |
Periodic kernel. |
Return covariance matrix for exponentiated quadratic (a.k.a. |
Return covariance matrix for exponentiated quadratic (a.k.a. |
Return covariance matrix for exponentiated quadratic (a.k.a. |
Return covariance matrix for a Matérn kernel. |
Return covariance matrix for Matérn kernel differentiated by the first variable. |
Return covariance matrix for Matérn kernel differentiated once by the first variable and once by the second. |
Return covariance matrix for a perdioic kernel. |
Return covariance matrix for specified kernel. |
Compute the posterior mean vector and covariance matrix for a posterior Gaussian process derived from a Normal likelihood and Gaussian process prior. |
Image processing utilities
Display an image in a Bokeh figure. |
Display and record mouse clicks on a Bokeh plot of an image. |
Draw and record polygonal regions of interest on a plot of a Bokeh image. |
Convert a ColumnDataSource outputted by draw_rois() to a Pandas DataFrame. |
Merge channels to make RGB image. |
Convert an RGB image to a 32 bit-encoded RGBA image. |
Convert fractional RGB values to hexidecimal color string. |
Load a collection of images. |
Converts list of vertices to an ROI and ROI bounding box |
Perform Costes colocalization analysis on a pair of images. |